Empowering Female Survivors of Gender Based Violence With Vocational and Business Skills

Training Women and Girls

She Take The Lead: In response to the neglect of thousands of women/girls and to end violence against women and girls internally displaced due to the ongoing Anglophone Crises in the North West and South West of Cameroon Living Green Cameroon launch the project titled She Takes the Lead with the mission to create awareness and advocates for the rights of survivors of GBV, provide support, protection, vocational, business skills, social integration, and economic empowerment for survivors of Gender Based Violence, in Cameroon.

This project is implemented at Living Green’s Empowerment Centre: The Community Centre for Sustainable Development and Capacity Building for Women and Girls fully funded by the US Embassy, Yaoundé  The center provide safe space for women and girls within Meme Division and also help to safely link survivors of GBV to supportive and competent services in a timely way.

Against this backdrop, The US Embassy Yaoundé and Living Green Cameroon re-affirm their commitment to work closely with existing governmental structures such as the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, International Non-governmental Organizations, Community-based Organizations and Community Leaders in order to strengthen and reinforce in other to end all forms of violence against women and girls, Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all women and girls. 

Training Women and Girls

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