Economic Empowerment

Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth.

Youth and Gender Equality

The force, inspiration and dedication of our young leaders are critical drivers for accelerating progress on sustainable development and gender equality.

Ending Violence Against Women And Girls

Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights. Its impact ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual and mental consequences for women and girls, including death.

Humanitarian Action

Living Green is committed to reducing poverty and gender-based violence in conflict affiliated communities, offering a lifeline of hope to those affected and helping people and community to recover.

Peace and Development

Create safe space for dialogue through sports with the aim to unite communities long divided by tribalism and conflict.

Ending HIV Stigma and Discrimination

Ending discrimination against people living with HIV will protect people’s health and lives. It is a moral imperative.

The 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development

In 2015, countries agreed on the need for comprehensive financing for development, adopted a new sustainable development agenda, and charted a universal and legally binding global agreement on climate change.

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We focus on issues that drive progress on Gender Equality. Turning ideas into action. 

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