
Living Green is spreading the word on how communities, businesses and individuals can build innovate opportunities which contribute directly to the SDGs ranging from ending poverty, conflict and inequality.


Living Green is laying out where we collectively need to go and how to get there. By doing so, businesses will not only help build a prosperous, more sustainable world, but also mature new global markets and enter the next era of business.


Living Green is translating the SDGs into responsible business practices, innovation and investment. Ensuring that women and girls are not excluded from accessing opportunities and realizing aspirations for themselves and their families.

The Youth As A Driving Force For Gender Equality

Gender equality refers to the situation in which both women and men enjoy the same rights, have equal access to resources, and can participate in decision-making processes on equal terms. Gender equality does not entail a complete uniformity of women and men, but a framework that offers the same opportunities for both sexes to participate in and contribute to society.  Across the world, young women continue to face gender-based discrimination, marginalization, and violence, including unequal access to education and opportunities for leadership and participation.

The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must deliver equal gains for youth. The force and inspiration of our youngest leaders are critical drivers for accelerating progress on sustainable development and gender equality.

Our solutions

As a youth-led development organization, Living Green has the responsibility and opportunity to contribute to gender equality. We take a human rights-based approach to gender equality. Living Green projects and activities seeks to empower young women and young men as partners in achieving gender equality, and aims to ‘engage the youth in and out of classroom.

Building on Living Green’s Strategic Plan, the Youth and Gender Equality Strategy and Key drivers includes three thematic pillars — Advocating For Women’s And Girls’ Equal Rights, Economic Empowerment And Skills Development of Women And Girls and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls. Strengthening participation, voice and partnerships with young women and girls, build more partnerships with young men as partners of gender equality; and intergenerational partnerships throughout the business and development sectors to achieve a gender transformative society.

Promoting Gender Equality And The Empowerment Of Women and Girls

As a community base youth-led organization, Living Green takes the responsibility and opportunity to contribute to gender equality. We take a rights-based approach to development, and gender equality is a human right. This effort includes advocating for women’s and girls’ equal rights, combating discriminatory practices and challenging the roles and stereotypes that affect inequalities and exclusion.

Changing Behaviors and Achieving Good Results

Through Living Green’s activities in the communities where we work have shown community members and traditional leaders that the active participation of men and women reinforces their common struggle and that the formation of future male and female leaders in the area of jobs and business opportunities bring more income into the family and local communities, which benefit everyone.

Our recent data on tracking progress has shown that there is an increasing number of families and communities rallying around and supporting their women and girls. This also includes the good number of men who are now standing side by side supporting his wives.


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We focus on issues that drive progress on Gender Equality. Turning ideas into action. 


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